Elena Vinyarskaya
Through her work, Elena Vinyàrskaya pays a personal tribute to the lyrical work of the master of Catalan letters, Marià Villangómez.
The title of the artistic project refers to that of the first book published by the writer in 1948 «Terra i Somni». And it is in the conjunction of these two terms that the works that make up the exhibition project are rooted.
This small tribute is part of safeguarding the memory of the illustrious poet, taking advantage of the fact that 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of his death.

Elena Vinyàrskaya was born in Brest (Belarus) on May 16th, 1989. In 2007 she moved to Minsk where she studied and obtained a degree in Translation and Interpretation from the Minsk State University of Languages in 2012. She is also in the capital. Belarusian where he develops a transversal sensitivity for art concentrating a special interest in figurative painting, ballet, jazz, classical music, theater, and auteur cinema among other disciplines.
In early 2017 he established his home in Formentera and found the time and inspiration to develop his facet as an artist. Trained mainly on a self-taught basis, he has explored different techniques and motives as a mechanism for learning but also for personal manifestation.
Contact info
- Phone: +34 637 171 905
- Email: vinyarskayaelena@gmail.com
Studio Address
- Vénda des Pi des Català 6308
- 07860 Formentera · SPAIN